

Early Painting Process

Later Painting Process
2020 invited many “new” things in and changed many of the “old” things. Rapid changes needed to be made to align with the changes due to the quarantine. That said, many had to let go of the old and make room for the new.
Over the years, I let go of a number of things, some were old ways of being and others were more things I held dear. For those that know me, I LOVE my car and (am label myself a car guy) and I LOVE my home. Throughout the year I was assessing what I needed to do and wrestled with big decisions and realized I needed to paint “letting go” first after I had the thought to let go.
That is the inspiration for this piece.
A quick backstory, for over a decade while beginning and growing my coaching business, I was living in a beautiful high rise on Tempe Town Lake. Because I had been very responsible with my finances leading up to starting my own business in 2011, I had money in the bank that would help me weather the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. For any in entrepreneurship, you know the ups and downs. While I had a few good years, many of the years, I needed to borrow from savings. I wasn’t at risk of losing my home, yet it felt like a big weight I was carrying around for many years. Over the years I had attempts to let it go by trying to rent it in 2015, in 2017 and early 2020. Non of the previous attempts worked as I still held on and fought to keep it (in my mind.) I LOVED my home, I couldn’t possibly sell it.
After a coaching call I had with a coach, I realized I was holding onto something that was irresponsible to hold onto. I decided after many years of making things look good regarding my business I decided to share this story of what was happening behind the scenes. I couldn’t afford it for many years with the profit (or lack thereof). When I got really real and focused on the emotional toll it was taking on me I decided to let it go.
Over the years, I have seen many stories of super successful entrepreneurs that sold the thing they loved so they could pursue their dream. To name a couple, Chip Foose (California Car Designer) had to sell his beloved 1956 Ford F-100 and John H. Schnatter (Founder of Papa Johns) sold his beloved 1971 Chevy Camaro. Though I knew that, I thought I could short circuit that, “have my cake, and eat it too” and not sacrifice anything keep my home and drive the car I loved. After many years of wrestling with the decision to keep my home, in the same week I finally decided to let go of my home, I also felt the call to let go of my beautifully loved and cared for 2013 Audi S4 6 Speed Manual.
This painting was done 1 day before listing my car and 2 days before setting a handshake agreement to list my high rise condo. I loved and cared for. As I share this story of what is behind “Let Go” I have a peace beyond any understanding to let go of the things that had me. As you complete this story, I invite you to look and see if there anything in life that you are being asked to let go and are afraid of letting go? Listen to the answer inside and trust yourself, surrender to what answer comes and when it’s time for you to let go, and I wish you the peace beyond all understanding that will help you know you are doing the right thing. Enjoy Let Go!
In joy,
Subliminal Started:
Sunday, December 20, 2020
painting STARTED:
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Music that was playing while painting:
Eagles – Desperado
Peet Project – Galaxies
Words included on painting: