Inspirational artwork for home and office.
What is Subliminal Story Art?
Sub·lim·i·nal | Sto·ry | Art
Abstract art connecting below the threshold of consciousness, inspired by accounts of everyday life expressed through the artist’s interpretation.
Subliminal Story Art evokes an intangible emotion that connects deeply in each observer for each work. Subliminal Story Art began as I chose to paint my first piece in 2014 from inspirational words. Each painting is inspired from the words and/or images contained at the beginning of each piece. Subliminal Story Art has many different categories inspired over the years.

This is underneath the painting

Some of the words come through to capture a deeper meaning. All works include a before and after included with a story for each piece.
The Subliminal Story Art Process Creates inspirational artwork for home and office.
The Subliminal Story Art Process begins with a Inspired Direction Checklist in our initial Story Inspiration call. We align your emotional result with the strokes to create a one of a kind subliminal story art piece. The Subliminal Story Art Process begins from there Each work flows through me in the painting discovery process to allow the deeper meaning of each painting to express itself.

Each piece starts with the “beginning in mind” to understand how your painting will express itself.

Subliminal Story Artist Categories
Subliminal Story Art combines my experience over a decade in advertising, with over a decade in business/life coaching, with my life long love of organization.
My OCD to organize has been balanced with the “chaos” of abstract painting to bring you personally inspired art that connects to deep emotion, inspired by accounts of everyday life.
The different categories of inspirational artwork for home and office have evolved from my original Miracle board
Subliminal Story Art Categories:
If you have a special request for inspirational artwork for home and office would like to commission me for a piece for your living space, visit my Commission page.