
This work was inspired as I heard Jon, founder of Earthwaking University. He encourages attendees at his events and classes to experience peace, love and joy…in the things you love AND the “things you might not love.” It’s a challenging exercise and as the pandemic was in full swing, I created this piece. I began this piece and those three words down and added in something that has been extremely important for me…Art.
During this time, art has helped me to find peace, love and joy while I am discovering what each painting is looking to express. I began this painting with the beginning in mind, as I always do. I never know what it is supposed to look like until its done. I started with a bright, bright red strip at the top and the bottom turned into bright, bright green and the center was white. I looked at it and said, what am I painting here?! I kept adding paint and put a lot of paint down as I was creating, I mean a lot of paint down. It wasn’t going as I was hoping and I kept painting, kept discovering and kept allowing what was supposed to express itself would express itself.
The painting ends up expressing much of the words underneath through the colors and what is looking to be shared. I keep painting until there is a point where I couldn’t add any more paint on it (yeah, I said a lot of paint) because I needed for it to dry. That sometimes happens where I reach a point and I simply need to take a break and come back to it and do another treatment. As I kept adding more and more paint, the colors on the bottom started to take on more of a water type of look and the top took on more the style of a sunrise or sunset. I really enjoyed seeing it go from the colors originally to the final piece. I got done and with drops of orange paint I dropped sporadically in the water. Many people, my first to comment on the orange dots was my Mom. What does Peace, Love, Joy AND Art mean to you?
In joy,
Began Painting:
March 28, 2020
Music that was playing while painting:
This was before I started recording what I was listening to