Title:Maker Projects

At The Central Oregon Maker Faire (in Bend, OR), makers attending the event were asked to contribute to what maker projects they were working on. Find out this painting's story here.

Maker’s contributed how they expressed whatever creativity may look like to them. This work is very similar in look and feel to my book cover: “Look At What’s Inside” where I invite people to tap into their creativity.

During the Central Oregon Maker Faire event, attendees are invited and encouraged to participate at the many different stations that can be seen at the event, anything from casting your keychain to building legos to dueling in a Cardboard Fighting League. It’s great to see attendees participating instead of consuming. Many “Makers” attending have existing projects in the works and each guest was asked to share a Maker Project and contribute theirs to the canvas.

Certificate of Authenticity
One sheet with with subliminal story art inspiration signed by artist.

What’s included in Print:
One sheet with subliminal story art inspiration limited edition number #/100 signed by artist.